Orange or white sweet potatoes twigs and mash

Ingredient, energy values of mashed sweet potatoes
Orange or white sweet potato, 100% natural, natural margarine of palm oil, salt
Format 312 g – deep frozen, for organoleptic qualities preserved – no allergens – no gluten – ready to use
Energy value for 100g : 80Kcal. For information, the normal daily requirement, for a woman with a slight physical activity are 2000Kcal against 2700 for a man, in the same physical conditions. The glycaemic index of sweet potato is lower than potatoe's (46 vs 80) . So, don't hesitate and invite more often sweet potato on your table. Sweet potato don't make you gain weight.

Hondurian sweet potato is naturally sugary. The white one is more sugary than the orange one. These are complex sugars, slow sugar principally composed of starch. They offer a sweet and regular energy input.

Provided with a creative potencial, these vegetables permit unexpected culinary developpement but how savoury !!
The ally of sugary and salty savours reveal the finest taste and open new culinary horizons. Cooked in it's easiest version, mashed sweet potato succeeds at renewing the everyday life.

Sweet potatoes mash cooking
In the saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of water and put the deep frozen mash, mix time to time.
Cooking time : 8 – 10min
In the microwave, 3 minutes at the maximal power.

Sweet potatoes twigs cooking
In a traditionnal oven at 220°C for 10min. Mix time to time.

The twigs are coming soon on the market, perfumed to chipotle, a mexican sweet pepper.

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mashed white sweet potato mashed orange sweet potato twig white sweet potato twig orange sweet potato

Marion's reaction after
tasting sweet potatoes

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